To seek truth requires one to ask the right questions
General Anesthesia
one cm port made at umbilicus and two 5 mm ports made at the sides of abdomen
The uterus is taken out through the path of normal delivery
Yes… completely
The uterus is taken out through the route of normal delivery or Morcellated with morcellator and taken out in pieces through the port
No they are preserved when hysterectomy is done below 50 years age.. however diseased ovaries are removed earlier if needed
Yes you will very much
No Hysterectomy cannot affect mental health if done after proper counselling
Two weeks after Lap hysterectomy
Small scar instead of big cuts, Less pain, Early mobility and earlier return to activity
Yes that is known as NDVH where not a single incision is made in the abdomen and the entire uterus is taken out through the natural path of normal delivery
It can be done under either general or Spinal anesthesia
No they are absorbable
From the next day
After 2 to 3 days
After 6 weeks
This is a cosmetic Gynecological surgery to shape the labia minora when they are too large or asymmetric on either side
General or local
The next day
It is better to avoid for 4 weeks until the stiches get dissolved
It is the procedure of restoring the collagen tissue of the female genital organs after menopause / aging /childbirth to increase the lubrication and secretion and pliability of the tissue
Surgical and non surgical
LASER and Radiofrequency Therapy (RF)
Radiofrequency therapy with Thermiva
Half n hour
4 to 6 weeks
Immediately after the procedure
Immediately after the procedure
Immediately after the procedure
Sometimes a question can change your entire life